# Title Investigators  Funding Agency
Open Access Interactive Storytelling Project on the Manasamangal Kavya Romi Banerjee JPN National Centre of Excellence in the Humanities, IIT Indore
Sustainable and Robust Near-Memory Accelerator for Vision Transformer based Models Palash Das SERB-SRG
Design and development of few-shot multi-class recognition model over data suffering from label corruption in a semi-supervised setting Pratik Mazumder SERB-SRG
Complexity of Manipulative Attacks on Resource Allocation Pallavi Jain DST-DAAD
Automated Counting of Pipes from Camera Images Angshuman Paul Consultancy Project
Self-supervised learning of dynamic clothed avatars Avinash Sharma Google (US) Research Award
Single Image Super-resolution of X-ray and CT Images for Improved Radiology Diagnosis Angshuman Paul Institute/Seed Grant
Development and Maintenance of Project Management Information System Sumit Kalra CWDB
Development of Bias Mitigation Approaches for Fair Deep Learning Pratik Mazumder DST
Realtime Computer Vision and Sensing Deepak Mishra TIH iHub Drishti
Data Annotation and Marketplace Suman Kundu TIH iHub Drishti
Analogy Based Visual Relationship Interpretation from Cross-Task Videos and Standard Operating Procedures Anand Mishra Accenture
Computationally Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for Generalizable Chest X-ray Diagnosis Angshuman Paul SERB-SRG
Detecting Behavioral Health Disorders of Older Adults using Self- supervised Learning and Casual Reasoning Suchetana Chakraborty IDEAS-TIH ISI Kolkata
Swiggy Face Recognition Mayank Vatsa Bundl Technologies Pvt Ltd
OCR's an Application in Indian Languages Anand Mishra MeitY, Govt. of India
ConSenseHAR: Decentralized collaborative context sensing towards pervasive Human Activity Recognition Suchetana Chakraborty SERB
AI-driven Robot-assisted Cardiac Ultrasound System to Acquire Clinically Useful Standard Echocardiographic Views Deepak Mishra SERB
Large-scale Multi-label Learning with Limited Compute Resources Yashaswi Verma SERB
TrustMe: Explainable Adversarial Attack Detection and Mitigation for Object Recognition Algorithms Richa Singh iHub-Drishti
Inventorization of the wildlife towards a sustainable campus. Suchetana Chakraborty CETSD Campus Sustainability Program, JCKIC
Non-invasive Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease using miRNA and Coronary Imaging. Angshuman Paul iHub Drishti
FIST Infrastructure Support Richa Singh DST-FIST
Sentinel-Bias Detection and Mitigation in Face Analysis Richa Singh Facebook
Algorithms for Facial Recognition System Under Disguise Mayank Vatsa DRDO
Information Access from Document Images of Indian Languages Gaurav Harit (Co-PI) MHRD & Meity
OCRs and Applications in Indian Languages Anand Mishra MEITY
M(atching)A(uction)C(ontract): Parameterized Algorithms for Economics and Computation Pallavi Jain (IIT Jodhpur), Sushmita Gupta (IMSc) SERB-SUPRA
Multimodal Query-Guided Natural Scene Retrieval Anand Mishra SERB
Forecasting COVID-19 spatio-temporal disease spread patterns and establishing predictive factors through the analysis of large data inconclusive/repeat tests and associated testing data Dip Sankar Banerjee (Co-PI) ICMR
Demonstration Centre for Smart Graded-Water Supply Grid. Suchetana Chakraborty (Co-PI) JCKIC
Management of TBIOM and Newsletter Mayank Vatsa IEEE Biometrics Council
Mitigation Bias in face recognition for vast regional diversity in India Richa Singh Facebook India Online Services Pvt Ltd
Software as a service for OCR system for Odia Documents Images Santanu Chaudhury Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India (MEity)
Digital Representation Generation for Efficient Retrieval of Bangla Document Images in Digital Libraries Santanu Chaudhury IIT K, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD)
Quantum Cryptanalysis Somitra Sanadhya SERB - MATRICS
Lightweight Anonymous Authentication and Communication Protocol for Internet of Vehicles Debasis Das Global Innovation & Technology Alliance (GITA), Govt. of India and Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taipei, Taiwan
A Wellness Device for Real-time Non-contact Blood Oxygen Saturation Measurements Deepak Mishra, Amandeep Kaur Ministry of MSME
Human perception driven on-chip compression for power efficient CMOS image sensors Amandeep Kaur, Deepak Mishra Ministry of MSME
Energy Efficient Communication and Data Flow in Smart City using CRN based IoT Framework Debasis Das Department of Science & Technology (DST)
Indian Heritage in Digital Space of Interdisciplinary cyber physical Systems Santanu Chaudhury Department of Science & Technology (DST)
Predictive Maintenance and Quality Control in industries under Industry 4.0

Sumit Kalra

Santanu Chaudhury, Chiranjoy Chattopadhyay

Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
Understanding Semantic Association Between Visual and Textual Data: What lies ahead Yashashwi Verma Department of Science & Technology (DST)
Text and Image Semantic Graphic Gaurav Harit Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD)
Detection and Prevention of Forged Obscene Images/Videos in the Social Networks using Machine Learning - A Social Media Engine for Discovering Doctoring in Obscene Multimedia

Mayank Vatsa

Richa Singh

Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)
Development of An AI platform for Human Health

Santanu Chaudhury

Sushmita Jha, Sushmita Paul, Sumit Kalra, Kaushal A Desai

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India (MEity)
Development of Application oriented AI Systems

Deepak Mishra

Amandeep Kaur

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India (MEity)

Mitigating Adversarial Perturbations in Deep Learning - SwaranaJayanti Fellowship

Mayank Vatsa

Department of Science & Technology (DST)
Smart Health Solutions for Rapid Mass Diagnosis for COVID-19

Sumit Kalra

Rajendra Nagar, Anil Kumar Tiwari

Ampersand Group
Knowledge Discovery from Images containing Text and its application to Audio-Visual Dialogue

Anand Mishra

Design and Development of Indigenous On-board Autopilot and Vision-based Navigation Systems for Autonomous Flight of Hover Capable Rotary-wing Vehicles

Suril V. Shah

Deepak Fulwani, Arpit Khandelwal, Kaushal A Desai, Chiranjoy Chattopadhyay, Comandur Venkatesan

Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
Detecting Spoofing and Digital Attacks on Face Images

Richa Singh

Mayank Vatsa

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India (MEity)
AI-driven Diagnosis of COVID-19 using X-ray Images

Richa Singh, Mayank Vatsa, Santanu Chaudhury

RAKSHAK project, Department of Science & Technology (DST)
AI Driven Estimation of COVID-19 Prognosis using Multimodal Data

Deepak Mishra, Rajendra Nagar

RAKSHAK project, Department of Science & Technology (DST)
Social Distance Alert and Monitoring System Using Smartphone, IOT and AI

Suman Kundu, Sumit Kalra, Deepak Mishra, Amandeep Kaur

RAKSHAK project, Department of Science & Technology (DST)
Non-invasive estimation of core body temperature, heart-rate and blood-oxygen saturation level to classify healthy and non-healthy individuals

Romi Banerjee, Debarati Bhunia Chakraborty, Richa Singh, Mayank Vatsa

RAKSHAK project, Department of Science & Technology (DST)